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Obama and Bin Laden - A Gilgamesh Parallel

6 May 2012, 14:47, by Dollar Bill

Mr. Nasuti’s statement that "A victory occurs when parties sign a surrender agreement aboard a mighty battleship in the bright sunlight of Tokyo Harbor" is an apple-to-oranges comparison.

The objective in World War 2 was the complete defeat of the enemy to include taking away his ability to make war again. If that was the objective now, the American forces would have been ten times the number commited, unrestricted warfare would have ensued and political boundaries would be completely irrelavent. As it is, considering the attack on America, the war that followed has been conducted with restraint that, apparently, is unnoticed by the author, possibly because he has no comprehension of the true potential of the United States to make war so horrible for the enemy that any thought of further attacks would be unthinkable. Think of the events that directly lead up to that day in Tokyo harbor. Would he see that level of warfare brought to his homeland?

"Seven thousand years ago the world’s first civilization decided that unnecessary killings are an offense against Heaven. It was a stunning philosophical achievement for a “primitive” civilization.
Perhaps someday the U.S. Government will advance to that same level of Sumerian wisdom."

Perhaps that wisdom will someday persevere in the Arab world and the beheadings of journalists, the suicide bombing of schools and children, the murder of those who come to your lands to teach, the internecine strife that continues to decimate a people, will come to an end.

"It is amazing that the American people only have a carefully sanitized version of this most crucial event."

In truth, most Americans do have the facts of the raid, the events that lead up to it and know what occurred during it. Americans enjoy the freedom of press, the free of flow of information most other societies can only dream of. One merely has to look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D... to find the second-by-second account of the raid.

In truth, we will all by judged by God in the end. While the author may feel it is his duty to express his opinion of how that judgement will go for Mr. Obama, it is, by no means based on the known facts of this event.

View online : Death of Osama Bin Laden

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