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مدال مولانا جلال الدین بلخی شاعر بزرگ همه ی دوران ها

21 دسامبر 2012, 02:08, توسط the truth teller

You are right, Some of my finding is from wikipedia, and i haven,t mention the source, but i was not writing a book or a professional report.
It was a mere comment in kabul press?
However if you are interested , there are other sources which confirm the above research, and you can not ignor it so easily .
and you don,t need changiskhan grave to find his DNA, he had many children,and a tribe and his people are still scattered accross mangolia and qazaqistan
nobody claimed that hazara are from the royal family of changis khan
You are trying to glorify mangol past and present
I don,t agree with you
mangol army destroyed the muslim world and massecared hundreds of thousands of muslim, and wiped out thousands years old civiliasation from the face of the earth, this region still have not recoverd from it
No wounder, changiskhan is the darling of the west, he gave them an edge over the muslims for ever
and there is not much glory in todays mangolia either
they have a vast country with very small population, and sill living in poverty
in fact according to some report i think people in Dai kundi have higher standard of living than mangolian
You claim as a good old pushtoon you have no problem with hazara even if they are mangolian, and you are also accusing me of pretending to be pushtoon
well, i never claimed i am a pushtoon and i don,t know why all this accusation?1
and as a pushtoon you may not have a problem with hazara, but it,s the hazara at least in kabul press which have probem with you
did you just read my comment ?read a bit more of kabul press and you will have a better understanding
As an Afghan i don,t have any problem with hazara either , no matter where they originated from
Bu t i do have a problem with those hazara which have problem with afghan name and afghanistan

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