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3 فبروری 2013, 04:56, توسط Bob

the truth teller:
Thanks for your explanation. Would you be able to name thr king of Afghanistan before Ahmed Abdali? Nobody can deny the reality but here your honesty on unity is under test. If you truly believe in Afghanistan unity you should frankly name that individuall.
Just provide the name, not the tribes name. If you believe in Afghanistan history, what is so hard for you to name that individual? Also, tell me why we do not have an Hazara or Uzbek or Tajek as the ruler of modern Afghanistan?
For your information, till Afghans do not reach an agreement on the history of Afghanistan, the furture of this countery will remain as dull as ever.
You allege that any patriot Tajek or Hazara can be Afghanistan national hero. Now name one patriot Tajek, Hazara or Uzbek who were patriots in addition to Ahmed Multani. Name one Tajek who fought like the son of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan in the name of Akbar? Why every patriot Afghan is selected from Afghans in Afghanistan’s modermn history, not from any other ethnic group?
A straight forward reply is expected.
Also, do not evade the discussion and tell your readers why Afghans feel more close to Pakistani Pashtuns rather than Tajeks, Hazaras and Uzbeks?
For the sake of unity of Afghanistan what is the reason that Afghans do not accept Afghanistan’s internationally recognized border. How would it be possible to have a united Afghanistamn while the Afghans are not ready to accept or confirm Afghanistan’s internationally recognized border with Pakistan?
If you confirm such principle for Afghans to fight for unity with Pakistanis, then why you do not confirm the same principle regarding Tajeks to join their Tajekistani cousins and Uzbeks to join their Uzbekistani cousins?
Let’s assume that Afghans fight for unity with Pakistanis, Uzbeks with Uzbekistanis and Tajeks with Tajekistanis, how would it be possible for a united Afghanistan to survive?

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