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حکمتيار و زلمی خليل زاد می آيند!

15 می 2008, 10:18, توسط makawoanazonajanana

he born in 1951 in mazar e sharif in pashtoon family . he immigrated to united stat from lecy ghazi of Kabul by student exchange and he finish Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from American university in birute Lebanon and he receive he is Phd in political science from Chicago university in this university he meet Albert wohlstetter who after this man introduce him to RAND , ( this man was against explosion of atomic bomb in horizontal way) ,. 1984 he inter the stat department , from 1984 to 1989 he work as advisor to president Regan , during this time he was the State Department’s Special advisory on Afghanistan to Undersecretary of State micheal ,h, armcost ,. he is the one who planning the support of mujahidin and then CIA , ISI , MI6 SAS send to Afghanistan 3 to 20 billion to equip mujahidin against CCCP for first time . he is the one who architect the program of sending the weapon from Israel to Iraq for war against Iranian . Between 1993 and 2000, Khalilzad was the Director of the Strategy, Doctrine, and Force Structure at the RAND corporation .1993 and 2000 he wroth few book “Strategic Appraisal” – “From Containment to Global Leadership” – “America and the World After the Cold War” , in the main time he was with Cambridge energy research association which at the time was conducting a risk analysis for Unocal , for a proposed 1,400 km $2-billion,trans Afghanistan gas pipeline project which would have extended from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and further proceeding to Pakistan. He acted as a special liaison between UNOCAL and the taliban regime. He is one of the original members of project for new American century (PNAC) and was a signatory of the letter to President bill Clinton sent on January 26, 1998, which called for him to accept the aim of "removing Saddam Hussein and his regime from power" using "a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. in 2001 he join the defence department of usa and 2002 he go to Iraq as us ambassador 2003 he was in Afghanistan as us ambassador till 2005 , during this time he guide karzai in every things and he was the one who creat national law in Afghanistan he was the one who open university of American in Kabul AUAF ,

آنلاین : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAND

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