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راه حل برای هزاره گی چی است؟

9 جنوری 2014, 08:07, توسط ارمان

راه حل برای هزاره گی چی است؟ بوسيله‌ى ارمان

بنيانگزار مغولهاى کبير بابر د ر بابرنامه خود پيرامون زبانهاى کابل چنين مى نويسد:

“:’’In the country of Kabul there are many and various tribes. Its valleys and plains are inhabited by Turks, Aimaks and Arabs. In the city and the greater part of the villages, the population consists Tajiks. Many other of the villages and districts are occupied by Pashais, Parachis Tajiks, Berekis [Baraki ] and Afghans. In the western mountains are the Hazara and Nikdiri [Nikodari or Nekodari] tribes, some of whom speak the Mughuli tongue. In the north-eastern mountains are the places of the Kafirs such as Kitur (Gawar ?) and Gibrik. To the south are the places of the Afghan tribes”."

:’’There are eleven or twelve tongues are spoken in Kabul, — Arabi, Persian, Turki, Mugholi, Hindi [Afghani, Pashai, Parachi, Geberi, Bereki and La(m)ghani [Laghmani.

Bābur (Emperor of Hindustān). Memoirs of Zehir-Ed-Din Muhammed Baber: Emperor of Hindustan, London,Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green, 1826, pg.140

archive.org/stream/baburnamainengli01babuuoft#page/208/mode/2up Baburnama, pg. 207

منظو ر اين مرد بزرگ و پسر نامدار کابل از مردم و زبان نيکودرى چه است?
هويت سازى شخصى> فاميلى> قومى> مليتى> تهداب هويت ملت سازى است!!!!!

نگاه کن که بابر در آن زمان مى دانست که افغان شهروند افغانستان است وافغانى واحد ڀول ;-)

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