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مافیای قوماندان عطا در بلخ!

25 جولای 2008, 18:43

Afghanistan is peace of rotten meat and all dogs are busy to bite it so Atta is the part of that game as long as we compare jahaid with khalq and purcham comparing to them jahadies are real watan frosh,khaeen, benaamos so that is why the dark ages taliban day by day getting more support becasue these watan froshan do not think about their future if tommorrow nato leaves afghanistan once again they will leave thier wives behind as they did in kabul in 1996 when the taliban captured kabul

no doubt Karzai and his jahadi felows are trying to steal as much as they can to build thier own life and karzai has to pay attention to his son Mirwais then to the poor people of this country

Hey afghans let us be united and leave the name of tribes let us call ourselves afghan and bring these criminals to the justice and kill them all

famim ludin

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