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Officially sanctioned genocide in Afghanistan?

20 August 2008, 07:20, by Sohail Shariq

The main reason for the problems we are currently confronting is the devision amongst us. In real terms, we can not be called a nation - we are just consisted of tribes that have been and are in very dangerious clashes in history and this division has been fatal for our homeland. We will be a nation when we all call ourselvs Afghans not Pashtoons, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Tajiks and so forth.

I believe that the mentioned issue is more serious and dangerious than many other challenges Afghansitan is having right now including security and economic problems. Thus, we should solve this very serious problem immediately with not delay!

In order to solve this problem, I suggest that the government and our politicians has to do the following:

- those political figures who have been destructive for our national unity have to come to media and confess what they have done and I am sure that the great people of Afghanistan will forgive them!

  • the appointments particularly in the high ranking posts should not based on the which tribe is first and which the second - it should be done based on the merits and eligibility!
  • the government should have a cultural strategy in order to bring all tribes together and I am sure it is possible!
  • media can play an active role - they can publish programs that can enhance the sense of unity amongst the people!

Let me be clear here as well that it would be wrong to say that we as ordinary Afghans do not have problems amongst each other! I strongly believe that there are those descriminative feelings with many of the people and I also believe that healing those feelings is not also difficult. Afghans are peace loving people and they can easily come together for their common good.

Lastly, I think we need to follow politics of unity and division if and only if we are pursuing our national interests.

I hope that eventually we will be a strong nation soon and the issue of tribalism vanishs quickly from Afghanistan, a country has suffered the most in the world history.

One country - One Nation!

Sohail Shariq

sohail_shariq yahoo.co.uk

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