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A declaration & petition for action regarding the invasion of the Taliban under cover of the Kochies against the national interest in Hazarajat, Afghanistan

9 November 2008, 12:03

Nowadays it’s very fashionable to blame gladly any sort of failures on the term "Taliban". Unfortunately it’s a very Afghan trait to seek for a "black sheep" to white-wash their own selves from constantly committed mistakes. Anyone who has the slightest knowledge about Afghanistan knows that Kochis are the most harmless people of Afghanistan. In fact, instead of publishing such provocative and biased articles why not investigate all the facts, questioning the reasons behind of such peaceful people getting armed!

I don’t read anything about the boundless attacks on Kochis merely because they are Pashtuns.

But once again you witness that "freedom of press" is a quite latent and partisan concept.


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