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A declaration & petition for action regarding the invasion of the Taliban under cover of the Kochies against the national interest in Hazarajat, Afghanistan

9 November 2008, 21:00

Yes Gentlemen, so much about your so called "No Censorship" or "freedom of the press"!
They are some really aesthetic paroles but first you have to deserve those privileges before making use of it.

Such propagandistic and false reports will get you nowhere except that you are only deceiveing yourself and offering nothing positive.

En passant, my concern is not whether you submit my comments or don’t. I’ve visited this site because I recently met one of your reporters and just wanted to have an own indentation of your Blog.

As usual I’m not surprised. The censorship policy of Afghanistan is just the same as its biased and flawed media: Der eine Esel beschimpft den ändern Esel.

Best regards from Germany

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