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A declaration & petition for action regarding the invasion of the Taliban under cover of the Kochies against the national interest in Hazarajat, Afghanistan

16 November 2008, 09:11, by ramzan syd

(chize kisht kardi deraw mekonid)wat the facist pashtoon king,s did in past now the pashtoon,s are paying the prize.the pashtoon should learn from their dark past.i think one united afghanistan has no future.today the time is changd.the new genration of Hazara tajik uzbak Eimaq etc are different than century ago.they know their rights and they can defend their rights.mr karzai is following the same route like their ancestar in past did.he is not sencere with other etnicity.behsood tragedy is one example.i think hazara,s should take seriusly next election.they should choose more young energetic and sencere people.they should raise their voice.

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