Kamran Mir Hazar Youtube Channel
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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 1430

دادگاه بين المللی جزايی بايد در افغانستان وارد عمل شود

28 می 2007, 05:33, توسط S. Asif. Mahboub

Please excuse me for not writing my text in Pashto or Dar lanuages because I do not have those text on my PC. Asking pardon from Atternoy General is a successful reaction that must have been taken long time ago rather than spending the nation’s most hard working and honest government official. I would request TOLO TV not to delay in acceptance of this fact . Mr. Jabar Sabit deserve this!!!!!! I would also like to thank the director of TOLO TV for taking such leadership act!

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