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JewishPeaceNews.net: Israel’s war on Palestine

1 February 2009, 13:23

well , we saw the story , and we believe that in short time may usma bin laden or same one ells like European leader in ww2 , turn he is face in Israel and Palestinian conflict , and tray to do same things . also may Iran stop interfering to matter and lat this war fight by Arab community against Israel and he is alliance . interring Iran in region to support and creating hazb allah , change the face of war to a religious war who in eye of Arab should be fight by Iran , and the rest of Arab world going to watch the since in different manners . Israel like a small village in south of Afghanistan and if Arab really want to control them , is it not don a big job . but because nearly all Arab sold out in different prices and different way . they are no able to control even them self , and finish the job . Daizangi .

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