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يونان: آوارگی و نقض حقوق بشر

8 فبروری 2009, 06:25, توسط Razmjo

First I shall thank mr Ahang for his raport.

Afghans refugees have much trouble anywhere in the world.
it is not only greece that has not respected the rights of people but also happens in other countries that raise the cry for fair but there are not rights in the countries.

why there is not anyone to hear our framework printer? why the other did not want to have respect for our right as a human being?
therefore we have no respect for our right!
Afghan government or ministers have written agreements with all countries to send the Afghans to have back. what we are making problems for us and we sell each other!

I live in Sweden and has also been very difficult here.
Afghan government has written agreements with Sweden in order to send the Afghans back to the war that goes on in Afghanistan.
in a better way to say that they have sold us and they are paid with our blood.
we must all be together and we must raise our printer anywhere in the world.

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