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Zalmay Khalilzad, Ali Ahmad Jalali and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzay are not Afghanistan citizens

21 February 2009, 18:08, by The Afghan Islamic Poison Army (د فغانستان اسلامی ز )

The USA is a hypocrisy and not a democracy. All they talk about is "War on Terror" and Al-qaida in Afghanistan while our innocent Afghan people dieing every single day. Pashtun provinces in Afghanistan are hit the hardest and in fact they take the dropped B52 bombs wherever they are in Afghanistan. Once the Soviets started to roll their army into Afghanistan, the Americans called the Mujahiddin - "Freedom fighters" but now that the same people fighting against them is a different story. It is crystal clear that this is of the many reasons that proves our point that the USA is all about hypocrisy and not democracy. Even Malcolm X knew it and publicly said it but at least he died as a martyr. What about this puppet Karzai or the new would be president of Afghanistan Mr. Ahmad Jalali who is another would be puppet against the Pashtun people with the West’s war on so-called "War on Terro". The terror is what the USA is all about. They know how to divide and conquer us. They did it to so many nations that the list could go on and on. Afghanistan and Iraq are just the two latest unfortunate chapters in the evil book of manuals in top shelves of the CIA along with its military wing - Pentagon. But one second! What about the Pakistani ISI? We can NOT forget about the Pakistani role in the collapse of the Afghan society. It would be a mistake and if there are any Afghans who don’t know about their killing and poisonous neighbour then they should know it by now. As the new Afghan generation is emerging and growing up, it would be an ignorant mistake to forget our history and what the outsider world did and still doing to us. The Afghan for-fathers only knew better about the invaders and colonialists and that’s why they threw them out. But now we have Pashtuns like Zalmay Khalilzad, Ali Ahmad Jalali, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzay who Afghan-American passport holders along with many many others that stabbing us in the back. The CIA got all these evil doers of Afghanistan on their payroll and there are also Tajik, Uzbek, Hazara learders too like Fahim, Abdullah Abdulla and others who have taken the pledge for the red stripes and white stars of Fashist America with Neo-cons run by New World Order hypocrites the Freemasons. They all care about the money and the THE US $1 bill is a clear evidence. So what should be done to save the Afghan nation and Afghanistan as well. 1ST. Qur’an and Sunnah must be the constitution of Afghanistan. 2nd Live life like the prophets and their sahabas (companions)did. 3rd. Fear Allah as He should be feared.

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