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16-year old Afghan girl victim of ’honor killing’ in Germany

17 May 2009, 10:20, by Jawid Ahmad Nairan

Dear writer,

I hope you are fine and doing well.It is really a very sad news and I am sure that this is not the first and last event that happens outside the Afghanistan. First,we have to remember that the question of what is right and what is wrong is a controversial issue. For instance, friendship between a girl and a boy is not acceptable in Afghanistan but in Germany it is normal, so it means that there is a contract amongst the poeple in each society about good and bad things. Second, usually we make our jugment about people’s behaviour according to our own idea and this is not the best way. I believe that if someone doesn’t like his or her religion then that person should change his or her religion before changing their behaviour, otherwise they would face with lots of problems. We all know that people from afghanistan leave their country to save their life, but when they go to the western countries they lose their culture, custom and other moral values because of different reasons. We have to keep in our mind that modern technology, beautiful house, nice car and living in a devoloped country doesn’t make people medern human beings. for example, we can gaive all the above facilities that I have mentioned to those people who are still living in the forest but they wont be modern. For being a modern human we must have the right and the best idea in our mind.In the other words, a modern mankind must have a modern idea. n
in conclusion, we should learn how a muslim can live as muslim in a democratic society without losing anything.

best regards


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