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Iranian leadership addicted to opium?

5 September 2009, 23:02, by davood mousavi

Dear Kamran and Castro and Robert!
Congratulation about your article and your great conclusions! How did you do it?
Im not telling this because Im an Iranian guy but unfortunately because you are journalist ! did you ever read about morality and ethics? did you read anything about respect to even common person or nations? have you ever look at in your words which written by yourself in your Kabulpress? may I repeat those sentences for you? Is this what you call freedom of speech?or human rights? or criticizing?
Read once more your title and article and then read it with yourself .
If you do not have time to look at what you ( 3 journalists) did , I will rewrite only its title then you do whatever you think is right :"Politics in ’The Islamic Republic of Heroin’".

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