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Thomas Friedman: Afghan gov corruption is #1 obstacle to democracy— not Taliban

25 August 2009, 02:55, by Maiwand Habibi

Friedman has touched the right topic. In fact, the obstacle for democracy is not only Taliban. However, there are factors that contributed to them. particularly, at sub national level where governament control is weak and the factors are as follow.

1: Corruption and power: The porvincial governor offices are furnished with staff who are not based by merit. the selection of them is through relationship and by power. they take bribes from public in order to deliver basic services. The heads are using billions of dollars of international aid and fund through their pocket and it is concluded by the name of Public. This make the public far from democracy and increase Taliban insurgency.

2: Politically compromise governament and warlordism in Karzai cabinet: Mr. Karzai has compromised and provided provincial goivernor offices to his politically compromise fellows who are in fact warlords and drug dealers and human right vilioters, so how can they bring democracy and deliver basic public services. For example, The people at provinces are saying that governament offcialis police are taking bribe, so how can democracy be in Afghanistan. In fact, Democracy is by name there is no accountibility , no transparency and positions are filled with those who have powere and are human right vilioters and criminals. These are the real obstacles for democracy beside Taliban

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