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Malalai Joya: Canada must withdraw troops from Afghanistan immediately

9 December 2009, 02:58, by Steve

The problem with immidiate withdrawal is that the state would most likely collapse on itself, heralding a warlord system like that of Somalia with ample risk that people with intensions to harm the west will gain from it.

Not that they aren’t profiting from opium farming or corrupt afghan/NATO/US officials manageing to make increasingly astonishing piles of money disappear into thin air, but they would gain alot more from having free reign in a country with a large supply of religious extremeists and people who (Rightfully) hate the west.

The status quo cannot be maintained as it requires too many troops and too much money, retreat is not an option as the Taliban are unacceptable, anarchy is not an option as it would serve Al Qaida and other groups of fundamentalists. Defeat also seems unlikely unless the public in western nations can be adequately convinced that it’s not worth the efford.

What options are left?

I don’t believe in miracles but in the case of Afghanistan I am wishing for one.

But kudos to Malalai Joya for her achievements, these are ill times for Afghans, women moreso than others - they need inspiration and hope now more than ever.

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