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U.S. government sugar-coats Afghan war news for sweet-toothed U.S. media

15 July 2010, 11:31, by eric nueman

Being an American by birth from California does not make me knowledgeable about what is happening abroad with US interests or wars they inflict in the name of greed and self interest!

— For sure these who run the government in the US are responsible to God for their actions hidden to their public who are just beginning to wake up to reality to a degree.

US citizens have very little power over what is decided in the US for overseas operations because they’ve giving up their rights due to much smarter infiltrating anti US forces into their midst that govern pubic policy against their will.

The aim of any superpower ultimately is to overcome the weak majority & eventually control the world through willing proxy or Vichy style sub government.

Every world conquerer historically used the similar tactics but the US is a formidable master in their practice of deceit from the top down to justify their means.

They may get away with it in front of their own people, but they won’t get by God & His Son Jesus that’s for sure when it comes time to pay up!

comments welcome —e

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