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"We Afghan women appreciate and welcome the decision of our friend, The United States of America, and the international community to increase the number of troops to protect the Afghan people."

19 December 2009, 17:04, by miru

From where a non-Afghan who is not familiar with the circumstances of Afghanistan stands, I would like a writer to add some comments on the differences between the situation of the women (like Ms. Malalai Joya) who call for withdrawal of the foreign troops and that of the women (like Hazara women in Daikundi) who call for reinforcement, when he/her reports Afghan women’s human rights, which is often used to justify military intervention and civilian deaths by the US.

I guess that because Daikundi is in no danger of being bombed by the foreign forces, these women want to enter upon a new phase of ensuring human rights. But it is a tragedy that the people who have been longing for nonviolence are demanding more troops, violence against their people, at the expense of their national sovereignty.

Afghanistan must create true leaders who can resolve religious, ethnic and tribal clashes and solidify all Afghan people through dialogue. No matter how large foreign troops Afghanistan accepts, no matter how strong armed forces Afghanistan organizes, without solidarity among Afghan people, violence, oppression and exploitation will never end.

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