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Letter from Afghanistan: Al-Qaeda is a corruption of Islam

2 March 2010, 20:54, by Laura R. Standley

Al Qaeda did not invent terrorism. Being middle-aged, I remember such terrorist organizations before al Qaeda, such as the Red Brigade, SLA and Shining Path. Terrorism has existed since people found out they could use the fear of random victimization to acheive their political and religious goals. It’s about controlling other people. Terrorists are criminals and don’t deserve the honor of being considered and enemy combatants.

Religious and philosophical extremists of any faith lack the understanding that spiritual growth comes from mastering onself and not imposing restrictions on others to prevent one from confronting his own weakness. Christianity went through a similar crisis of identity and violent upheavals among its believers at about the same age since its revelation; about 1400 years or so. Extremism doesn’t go away easily, but it can be marginalized by the common sense, devout mainstream.

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