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عکسی از زینت، میرویس و حامد کرزی

7 فبروری 2011, 01:17, توسط Farhekhta Heravi

Shabir Kakar is the code name of an inferior guy called Ahmed Farid Samin who is suffering from lack of culture, history , identity and civilization

Shabir Kakar (Ahmed Farid Samin) is one of those cultureless and identityless and inferior awghans who lives in the land of cultured and civilized Persian speaking Tajiks and speaks the langauge of Tajiks but always express a deep grudge against Tajiks - the real and the original enhabitants of that land

Shabir Kakar (Ahmed Farid Samin) is so SHAMELESS and Bewejdaan he calls the son of a Ghulam Bin e Ghulam the Shah Shuja of our era to wake up and save Pashtuns those lost tribes of Isreal and the Running Dogs of foriegner who have always sold the country to foriegners and outsiders

This Cultureless Kochi zada calls the descendants of Avicenna, Rum, Rudaki, Alberoni, Farabi, Sanai, Baihaqi, Khowarazmi, Ansari, Jami , Abu Muslim, Saffarid, Tahirid, Saminid, Sasanid and Ghurid "the descendants Gurgeen"

Shabir Kakar (farid samin) e Be wejdaan wa Kochi - u live in the land of Tajiks and you speak the langauge of Tajiks - so respect Tajiks instead of barking at them - it is good for you. How you Kochi Ahmaq call a Ghulam zada like Kharzai son to wake up and save pashtuns

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