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Pentagon Invents Taliban Atrocity in Khataba

25 April 2010, 14:44, by Najeeb

A few days back i was watching a directory in a TV channel on News, Media and its affiliations with Politics and that how all the Spectacularly Huge Media in the west worked in the favor of U.S war criminals, on many occasions the embedded reporters would call a heart-shaking bombs and rockets scenes on cities as “Vow what a beautiful Fire Show”!!!!

Leaving behind some few websites in Afghanistan, the rest of the Media is fully controlled by either U.K or U.S, if you dare to speak out the truth you would be shown the way to Bagram Prison in no time. The Media in the west is still and will always mislead the public in the favour of their visious military and political operations - well that is how they have designed business and politics together.

Since long i have been noticing how the US citizens back home are criticizing Islam and Afghans esp. Pashtuns, i’ll give you some examples:

In comments to the AP reports in Yahoo almost 80% of the Americans say muslims are terrorists, they are extrimists and fundematalists and most of them say Kill every one on the ground and nuke em!!!!!! but yet they don’t know who their heroes on the ground engage with, terrorists or pregnant women??


in the recent edition of Oxford dictionary fundemantalim is described as, Strictly adhering to the ancient Fundamental principles or doctrine of any religion, ESP Islam - however in the old version of that it is not said ESP. Islam. Now lets look at the Webster dictionary describing Fundemantalism - a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching.

It is because of the WESTERN MEDIA that the word fundamentalist is linked with other words like terrorist and insurgent, any one would simply be refered to a terrorist if called a fundamentalist.

Mr. Nasuti, i tell you what - In Garamser district of Helmand province a group of U.S marines is based (talking of 2 years back) witnesses said they were like Vampires, killing was their profession and the week they didn’t kill some one, either insurgents or civilians, they wouldn’t enjoy the weekend!!

While i totally agree with you, Mcchrystal must prosecute those involved in civilian deaths and fire those under whose command these crimes are committed.

We need Media people like you to spread the truth, two thumbs up for the brave work!!


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