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Pentagon Invents Taliban Atrocity in Khataba

25 April 2010, 16:47, by Najeeb

And yet in another fresh incident in Logar province where NATO killed civilians and detained some others on Sunday the 25th April tens of civilians protested against NATO. And in the same province last week civilians went on streets to protest another such incident.

This is the third incident after one on Kandahar-Kabul road where International forces targeted a civilian Buss, where civilians go on protest. I am not counting the others, i.e one last week in Khost province where a teenage boy was shot-dead in his car.

I just dont understand why they keep killing civilians?? And the Afghan government does nothing but to CONDEMN these acts. Where is the UN? the Human Rights Organizations??

There must be pressure on both national and international level on these troops to stop these vicious crimes. And we need honest media to report these incidents.

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