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Do Americans understand insurgencies?

19 January 2008, 07:59

I agree whole heartedly that there are more tan two dimensions to an insurgent conflict. Some of then are 1- military, 2- political, 3- basic human needs, 4- economic growth. The premise of the goals are to give the people a stake in the country and society. "the hearts of those who have a stake in the country are fixed, and if they are not fixed they will go to extravagance and vice."-Mencius. Thus the goal is to fix the peoples hearts the means are the four dimensions. Ref at: http://incapp.org/mencius.htm

It follows then that anything that takes away men’s stake in the country should be avoided at all costs. Such things include but are not limited to, making people dependant on government, endemic corruption in the workings of government, high inflation, high unemployment, and lack of personal safety.

Take lack of personal safety, Machiavelli said that "a corrupt people can never be free" what he meant and explained was that in a corrupt society, there is no personal safety. when there is no personal safety, people will turn increasingly to a more tyrannical government in hopes that in tyranny they will find safety. With fewer checks on it’s power, Government will naturally become more corrupt. Creating more corruption in society. Increasing the call for tyranny. and so forth.

The obvious answer is to insure a clean government. The reason that America has such a high standard of living is not our intelligence, or luck, or that we seal from others. It is that we haven’t allowed endemic corruption into the workings of our government. Until lately that is.

The means to the end of creating a government that is free of corruption is of the utmost importance. All other means skirt this basic truth.

John Pepin
johnpepin incapp.org

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