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EXCLUSIVE REPORT: American military creating an environmental disaster in Afghan countryside (Part 1 of 3)

26 April 2010, 14:52, by Peter Eyre

I am a columnist with the Palestine Telegraph and have written many articles on the terrible contamination of the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Pakistan and now Yemen and Somalia.

This article does have significant merit but it falls short of the terrible consequences of the major contamination caused by US and Coalition forces use of weapons containing uranium components.

The extensive use of such weapons is at a much higher volume than Iraq and basically has the potential to kill the genetics of the Afghan people.

The Author talks about contamination over some significant period, but we are looking here at beyond time. Depleted Uranium as an example has a half life of 4.5 billion years.

In addition to this they also used 4th Generation "Dirty Weapons" which is a blend of both DU/EU and other highly toxic ingredients.

These weapons attack the very DNA of all life and remain suspended in the atmosphere over a long period of time until it is rained out. It then enters the soil, crops and ground water. The problem does not stop there because it is on going via secondary contamination with Dust Storms, Helicopter Down Wash etc etc.

It has the ability to significantly increas all types of cancers, diabetes, mental disorders, infirtility, still births, badly disfigured babies the list is endless.

When one talks about this type of contamination is makes all other types of contamination insignificant.

It is indiscriminate and does not identify international borders and therefore contaminates the adjacent countries down wind and the world beyond.

As a result of the war in Afghanistan we are now seing terrible deformed babies in Northern India etc....this also is now happening in Gaza as it did in the other areas of conflict

So I believe any adverse publicity is good.This a false war and serves no purpose other than imperialistic greed for natural resources.....they will leave the country totally contaminated for ever and the US and coalition forces continue to pound the countryside with these WMD’s.

There will be no clean up programme....that is if clean up was possible and there is no protection for people that walk or work around it.

Peter Eyre - Middle East Consultant - 26/4/2010

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