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International appeal to support the immediate release of a young Afghan Journalist

7 February 2008, 09:47, by Holly

It is unthinkable that Mr. Parwiz Kambakhsh has been convicted of blasphemy for the peaceful distribution of copies of articles downloaded from the internet which some say question the Koran, and even worse that for this alleged crime he has been sentenced to death.

It is especially distressing that such extreme punishment would be meted out to a person who has not committed any violent or criminal act, and who was simply sharing ideas, and that capital punishment could be handed down after a closed trial that some allege was unfair and in which Mr. Kambakhsh was not represented.

President Karzai speaks of the freedom of press and the freedom of speech. It is also written into the Afghan constitution in Article 34. But in light of Mr. Parwiz Kambakhsh’s plight it is hard to take the president’s words seriously.

It is imperative that the Afghan government step up to the plate and stop this blatant violation of free speech, free press, human rights, and fair trail. If Afghanistan wants to be taken seriously by the rest of the world they need to start seriously supporting and protecting human rights.

I found this letter to the editor by Daniel Dennett online and admit, I could not say it any better:

The conviction and pending execution of an Afghani student, Mr. Parwiz Kambakhsh, for blasphemy is an appalling circumstance, but it offers an opportunity that we should all seize. The time has come for Muslims to step up to the plate and demonstrate that Islam is a great faith that has no need for violence or intimidation to maintain the loyalty of its congregation. And we outside Islam must make it crystal clear that we cannot respect or honor a religion that would consider blasphemy a capital crime, no matter how ancient the tradition from which this decision flowed. Muslims who support–or refrain from condemning–the conviction and sentence of Kambakhsh must be made to realize that they share responsibility for bringing dishonor to their cherished heritage, and if we non-Muslims do not speak out, we too must share in the blame. Friends don’t let friends commit, or condone, evil. The best way of showing our good will towards Islam is by helping it shed an indefensible aspect of its legacy. Every religion has much to atone for, but that is no reason to button our lips and tolerate fresh grounds for atonement.

There is no need, yet, for anger. Let us all just remind Muslims everywhere of what they must surely know: blasphemy is not a capital crime in any society worthy of respect. It is now up to Muslims to prevent some of their number from defiling their own precious culture.

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