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International appeal to support the immediate release of a young Afghan Journalist

23 January 2008, 02:37, by Sohail

I am shocked and saddened by the news. Open minded people are really in danger in Afghanistan and any reformist and secular movement is prohibitted and restricted by ignorant mullahs in this country and has always been so in the course of history.

The democracy which some politicians and Afghan government officials claim for is totally false. Democracy without freedom of expression, freedom of press, freedom of religion make no sense! A symbolic presidential election or parliamentry can not been considered democracy alone without religious tolerance and respect.

In regard to the article of this young and talented journalist, I like to say that having started his journalistic work recently, his main intention was to attract more readers through a new and interesting article of such. Therefore, I strongly believe that he is totally innocent and I sure am that such acts of barbarism by ignorant mullahs can not stop the open minded people speak out their mind.

Lastly, I would like to ask President Karzai and International Community and particulary United States of America to intervene in the issue and release this talented young journalist.

I hope that one day a true democratic and secular government rules Afghanistan and I believe that is the only solution for a briliant future to this country - otherwise, we have to keep living as we are now, in the 12th centurey!

My messege for Kambakh is to be brave - we are all with you and you will hopefully be brought out of the jail soon! I wish you all the best.

Long life democracy!


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