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Secretary Clinton Insults Hazara Shia Regarding Massacres in Afghanistan

27 January 2012, 03:10, by Jahani

Esteemed commentators, we share your concern and sympathy for the oppressed Hazara people in Afghanistan. The Hazara ethnicity by all means has suffered the most at the hands of the Taliban. We remember the massacre of thousands of Hazara in 1998, when Taliban took control of Mazar-e-Sharif. We have voiced our condemnation of these indiscriminate killings of innocent Afghan Hazaras back then and we will continue to do so in the future. However, to accuse us of sympathizing with any specific ethnicity in Afghanistan is groundless. Therefore, we ask you to present us a factual example or source to support your accusations. I have said this on several occasions and I will say it again: We do not favor one Afghan ethnicity over another. It is simply not in line with our policy. Our commitment to Afghanistan and the Afghan people is crystal clear: Help Afghans realize their vision for a country that is stable, democratic, and economically successful. We also wish to witness an Afghan government committed to the protection of women’s rights, human rights, and religious tolerance. Therefore, my question to you is, where do you see us mentioning a single word which would support a specific ethnicity in our policy? Dear commentators, we have also heard the complete opposite of these accusations against the U.S. We have heard individuals unjustly accusing us of favoring other ethnicities over Pashtuns. They have accused us of building an anti-Pashtun government in Kabul. Taking all of these contradictory and baseless accusations into account, it seems that no matter what we do or what we say, conspiracy theorists will come back and say that this is all part of a cover up. Unfortunately, creating conspiracy theories and complications to every single idea has become a way of life for some people. My wish and hope for these people is that they would someday realize the truth. To those who associated us with Taliban, I suggest you read the undersigned signature for our articles.

USCENTCOM- Digital Engagement Team

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