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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 9793

سیا و حضرت علی

26 جنوری 2008, 14:53

Only hazrat ali was working for CIA if you go and look to the back ground of Osama he took allot of money fromCIA while he was fighting against of russian it means Osama was not getting a cheque by Allah and his Allah was Regan the president of America but now he says Allah Allah but it is not true even his blood is full of USD

I ask afghan people as long as you think arabs are angel then you must suffer because the most stupid people in this planet was arabs that is why all the progphet came to arab lands it means they are not stable and even arabs were bearing thier daughaters alife even allah is sick and tired of Arabs but in Kandhar in south of our country some dirty asses and breanless people going to dirty arabs graves for praying hhahahaahh I must laugh to ask from a dead body happiness if that dirty arab who was killed by their lords(UK)or (USA)_if they were able then they were not killed like dogs in our country so instead to pie on thier graves they are goning to pray then what we will think about this stupid nation like afghans to ask from a dead body help

I am full of it please forgeive me all and correct me if I am wrong

Ikhlas Wardak

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