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Budd MacKenzie, an American helping Afghans peacefully

22 February 2009, 12:06, by Afghanistan’s Islamic Poisonous Army (د افغانستان اسلامی زهر پوځ)

Bismillah, Budd MacKenzie who is an American and says that he is helping Afghans peacefully maybe true but what about those Americans who pointing their guns at Afghans and dropping B52 bombs? Ah? Are we going to forget those innocent Afghans who died in the Soviet invasion with the help of the CIA of the USA have been murdering them and supplying with money and weapons the Mujahiddin. Even now they are supporting different factions. Like the Northern Allinece - that took millions of dollars and let the US military to come in. Karzai and the Northern Allience are the two hands of America in Afghanistan. And here we have an American who takes pictures with poor Afghans and thinks he is doing a good job. How do we know he is not a CIA spy or somebody else. Tell us! The US military only come to Afghanistan for their own intersts and not for Afghans. So don’t let them trick you. Seeing photos of Afghans girls holding books and pencils is a joke. Yes, Afghans are poor and they would welcome any help but pen and pencil with some books to write is nothing. It is another way saying that the US in Afghanistan is helping and doing a great job. They are doing a great job killing innocent Afghans even though their installed puppet Hamid Karzai is not even concerned and if he is concerned then he is only acting and doesn’t care at all about innocent Afghans let alone his own Populzai tribe or Kandahar people. This "War on Terror" is a war on all Pashtun people and only Pashtuns are fighting the occupiers. Do you see or hear any trouble in the north of Afghanistan? Of course not! But light - INSHALLAH - is coming soon to Afghanistan.

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