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16-year old Afghan girl victim of ’honor killing’ in Germany

2 March 2010, 22:07, by Laura R. Standley

It is unfortunate that a family judges the soundness of its honor on the sexual accessibility of someone who can be physically overpowered and unwillingly defiled. It puts women in the position of regarding men as protector and punisher, predator and provider. I can’t help but feel there are virtuous and compassionate husbands in the world who are denied the measure of trust, affection and devotion they deserve due to the soul-grinding wariness women experience regarding men.

The ideal solution would be for all the people of the world to be considered accountable before God to master their own appetites rather than create elaborate mythologies to jusitify restricting other people’s freedom. And why not judge a family’s honor by qualities that can’t be taken by force? Things like wisdom, integrity, service and piety. Such virtues are the results of conscious effort and not due to luck or restricting anyone’s personal sovereignty.

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