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River of booze flows through Afghan UN mission in NYC

15 February 2010, 07:55, by tadzio

When in Rome do as the Romans. This maxim is never more true than in diplomacy. One of an ambassador’s tasks is to entertain, create a setting where the home government’s message can be presented in a cordial stting. In New York City that means having liquor available for one’s guests. There is no way around it. Few will attend your affairs if your hospitality stints on what guests expect. Many hosts, even if they enjoy alcohol, refrain from drinking it when entertaining in order to keep the party going. The purchase of liquorss by an ambassador does not have to mean that he drinks, it indicates that he is a gracious host which is part of his job. Many would find it more upsetting and question the ambassador’s competence if there were no such purchases and receipts.

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