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Taliban Sense Weakness in NATO

27 February 2010, 22:56, by DougBuchanan.com

Therefore you think more (ask and answer more questions) than the American invaders.

But that is easy. The Americans rely on their military power, rather than thinking-ability. The humans are predicated on thinking-ability, not military power, as every failed empire proves. The US empire will soon collapse.

Now consider thinking yet more (asking and answering more questions), more than the Americans, and Afghans, and Talibans, and military people, and news journalists, and all other institutionally limited people.

Let me know when you want the verifiable answers to your most difficult questions. But to understand them, you must be sufficiently patient to ask and answer the questions between what you currently know, and the therein verified answers to the referenced difficult questions.

The time and effort is worth it. In two days you can learn what other people will only learn in a hundred years, because you will efficiently ask and answer the questions that other people will only think of over many years.

You can have what you want in relation to efficiently solving human-caused problems. You can choose the winner of a war, including anyone not fighting it, and promptly manifest their win, defeating all opposition. The process is just knowledge, learned by asking and answering the related questions.



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