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Pentagon Invents Taliban Atrocity in Khataba

19 April 2010, 18:10, by Zencali

Some of us are never surprised about these American atrocities. Why? Perhaps in my case it is because I have lived in Iran and Afghanistan and closeby countries and I lived not as a rich American but as a person who went down to the bazaars, the mosques and the stores the same way a native does. I have always been an eccentric in my culture. I was the only one who marched with Martin Luther King when I was in High School in Ohio in 1964. Recently in my online High School classroom I mentioned there was extreme racism there. One of the rich popular girls got online to do the "cover-up" for their racism: she said I was just different and so I was accusing them of things they didn’t do like racism. She was white ........ soon a black girl emailed me to tell me all the racism she experienced there ......... you see I have noticed that Americans are great in forgetting and covering up their wrongdoings. Of course all humans are,, but with the help of the media and various "law enforcement authorities" there are Americans who are experts at cover ups of wrong doings. When they said Saddam Hossein had weapons of mass destruction, I turned to my daughter and said, "No he does not have weapons of mass destruction, they are lieing and they will go into Iraq and torture, Murder and kill." you see I know "them" very well because I study them all my life.

There are various Afghani writers on here who have said Afghanistan needs America in order to develop and protect them. Those people might as well realize (and I am sure since there are so many Afghani immigrants to US that they know already what I say ).... that women are abused and treated unfairly here as well as anywhere; that American justice system is corrupt and full of black american convicts who never were guilty of the offense they were imprisoned for. The reason for that is that in America if you can’t afford to pay a good lawyer you are garbage in an American courtroom. You all know American women soldiers are raped and abused at war so you should also know that they are here too. In America when they do the statistics on poverty, women and children compose all most all of the poorest people in America. Yet America is so good at a cover up that people in Afghanistan look to America for moral guidance in matters of gender, law and justice and war. There is something you should know: bullies and murderers always can afford the best lawyers and win in court. And even if they are convicted, the terms of their punishment are much better than a poor person’s. Just ask me: at a young age a liar told the police I had the biggest drug stash in the world in my house. The full law enforcement brigades attacked my apartment like wolves and murderers AND FOUND NO DRUGS OR ANY OTHER LAW BROKEN. No problem, for them because as they say, "they will find something to accuse you of anyway". And then you have to find a lawyer and go up against the organized lies of the authorities. In my case they also set me up to be "raped" by a lesbian dyke in the holding cell while they watched. They had given me a glass of pineapple juice with drugs in it to make me pass out and then ................... after i passed out ....... ... i woke up knowing I had been "raped": due to the obvious symptoms in my body. ....... I didn’t say anything in the jail and just got out immediately. Then I told and found that many others had been done the same way but also called liars. This seems preposterous: "being raped by a woman" well if you are unconcious...
So, almost 10 years later I saw the lesbian who had obviously done this as she was the only other person they put in my holding cell. I overheard her saying to someone: "the police pay me to push women’s female organs back up in them with my fist while they are unconcious"....whatever that crazy statement means. that is what felt like happened to me when I woke up. Good luck over there, you are going to need it.

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