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Do Americans understand insurgencies?

2 February 2008, 21:28

I think the idea of "withdrawing the troops to replace them with professionals" is an unrealistic view if we assume by "professionals" we mean American or European professionals. No American or European would want to work in a country as unstable and unsafe as Afghanistan. Let alone a professional.

i think, the idea can be partly effective if we assume by professionals we mean "Afghan professionals". In that case, to produce those Afghan professionals the Americans and the Europeans would have to grant scholarship to Afghan scholars to study in their respective countries (or fund a better education in Afghan universities. After graduation the scholars, who now be professionals, should be returned to Afghanistan to serve their country.

But the scholarship go to be granted in massive numbers...
Things can be complicated given the tendency of Afghan scholars to stay in developed countries.

Even if the idea of "withdrawing troops to replace them with Afghan-professionals" is made practical, there would still be the need for troops to maintain security. Or Afghan army need to be trained in large numbers to carry out the function.

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