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World Wide Protest Against Genocide in Pakistan and Afghanistan

4 October 2011, 11:59, by Madeleine Kingston skylark100AU1 Twitter)

Please allow me as an Australian supporter in Melbourne Victoria of the worldwide #Hazara community to express my deep sympathy to the families of those senselessly killed in the name of religion of the second bus attack of innocent civilians.


Deaths in Pakistan bus attack

http://english.aljazeera.net/n... or


This is further evidence that Australia or any other country rejecting Shia #Hazara #asylees or either coercively obtaining ’voluntary return’ or else facilitating forced return would be guilty of re-foulement, as expressly forbidden under international provisions, yet to be further tested before higher courts.

Nonetheless the AU Executive limb of Govt and the Opposition are determined to change domestic laws in an attempt to escape their enshrined international obligations.

PM Julia Gillard pacifies the Malaysian Govt by assuring them that the unconscionable swap deal is still on. This is yet to be debated before Parliament in a continuing debate that is cursorily blocked by the Opposition in a political gaming exercise.

Meanwhile the Liberal Opposition Party hoping to gain power in the current climate of unrest, substantially support Labour’s proposed amendments to domestic migration laws seeking unfettered Ministerial powers as referred to above.

Happy to clarify this in future posts but have covered in my tweets in Twitter @skylark100AU1


Madeleine (@skylark100AU1 Twitter)

Victoria Australia

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