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International appeal to support the immediate release of a young Afghan Journalist

22 April 2008, 13:39, by G.S.

I’m afghan and live outside Afghanistan.

Well, this case has created debate world wide, and I think it is very needed to support it, because this young journalist really worth every readers support.
Personally I dont think he has done anything wrong, I would rather say he has done the right thing. Being journalist has some conditions such as:

  • not being censored
  • having freedom of speech

So I dont see what he has done wrong, he has freedom of speech and therefore he tried and took the risk and tried to see, if it he could share his opinion. But unfortunately NO, he is sentenced to death.

My personal comment is in short: The goverment of Afghanistan should first of all give people of afghanistan their rights, and especially journalists should not undergo fundamentalist rules! Let there be democracy and freedom of speech in Afghanistan too! lets move forward instead of backwards!
( therefore many of us afghans escape from afghanistan)I want to be journalist, and actually had plans for coming back to afg and work there, but if it means that I as this young journalist can’t write none censored articles, then I may never come back, thats a big shame, not for me but for my country and for the weak goverment.

thanks, and I hope I can support this case by commenting.

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