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International appeal to support the immediate release of a young Afghan Journalist

21 January 2008, 16:56, by Dawood Ali / David Tosi

Release Parwiz Kambakhsh Now!
January 21, 2008
President Hamid Karzai
Kabul, Afghanistan

Dear Mr. President:
Asalaam Alaikum.

I am respectively writing this urgent letter today to ask you to intervene in the case of a young Afghan journalist, Parwiz Kambakhsh, who has been imprisoned in Balkh province since October 2007. He has been imprisoned and threatened with hanging because of printing, distributing and discussing controversial verses of the Holy Quran regarding women’s rights.

Freedom of the press is the freedom to discuss all ideas, challenge all thinking and to openly discuss freely all thoughts, ideas and concepts in the light of day where all have the freedom to think about what has been stated or discussed. It has been said he has committed blasphemy by his words. It has been said that his words have challenged men in power and criminals who hide beneath the cloak of power. It has been said that he is being punished for the actions of his brother Yaqub Ibrahimi.

Whether any of these are the case or none of these are the case, I urgently implore you to use the power of your position and the power of those who you can influence, to seek the release of this young journalist and to protect him from those who would have him executed. The people of Afghanistan face many challenges and threats, both internally and externally. The people of Afghanistan deserve to live in a country where they can freely and without fear, express and discuss new ideas, express and discuss old ideas, and challenge each other to respect thoughts and ideas that may differ from their own. The people of Afghanistan should not be afraid of words.

I believe the people of Afghanistan have suffered enough oppression, persecution and death especially in the last twenty five to thirty years, at the hands of those who have held the power of life, death and intimidation. Civilized governments need not fear freedom of speech.

Those who fear the words of new ideas, new thinking and the challenges of an educated population should not be feared any longer. They should be stripped of their powers and their positions, and their threats should be neutralized by the power of justice, truth and the rule of law.

The international community is behind you and is waiting to see on which side of justice you stand.

Asalaam Alaikum,

Dawood Ali (USA)
Amnesty International / Human Rights Activist /
Women’s Rights Activist / Supporter of Afghan people

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