Self-Determination Is Pashtun Right, but National Treason for Hazara, Uzbek and Tajik
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Massacring indigenous peoples, forcing them to flee, selling them as slaves, and invading their lands; this is how Pashtuns have ruled the country at least since 1890th.
In the last decades, the Pashtun politicians have defined social and political concepts based on the interests of Pashtuns. For instance, national interest means the interest of Pashtuns. Equality means over 80% of the national budget for the Pashtun populated area. Equality means a Hazara student with 312 points in the national exam cannot go to university, and a Pashtun student with 132 points can. There is no existed national census, but it is self-claimed that Pashtuns are the majority. The minorities should accept the rule of Pashtuns.

Similar to those concepts, self-determination also defined based on the interests of Pashtuns. Pashtuns of Pakistan are enjoying self-determination in a federal system. Pashtuns of so-called country Afghanistan enjoy self-determination, considering the presidency as their rights. Across the border of Pakistan, they do not pay taxes, and there is no payment for electricity or water. Pashtun Kochis attack on the Hazara and loot Hazara home freely. They have a unique budget, and ten pre-decided sits in the so-called parliament. All of them are considered as their rights.
On the other hand, when non-Pashtuns protest and raise their voice for their rights, including self-determination, it will be considered as national treason.
Article three of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples says:
Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.