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Afghanistan Partition Is a Considerable Solution for Peace

Kabul Press - News
Wednesday 26 January 2022

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Kabul Press?: The return of the Pashtun Taliban to power has raised the discussion about the partition of Afghanistan again as one alternative besides a federal system to end long term and increasing war and systematic crimes such as genocide and forced displacement of non-Pashtuns, particularly the Hazara in the hand of Pashtun governments and terrorist groups such as the Taliban.
The debate Partition of Afghanistan that Kabul Press has started several years ago and published dozens of articles about it is now of the hottest topics in so-called country Afghanistan. On social media, after every crime committed by the Taliban or in the former corrupt government of Ahmadzai, many react and write about partition as the only permanent and reliable solution.
“Pashtun culture that jail women and invades the lands of non-Pashtun is not in our culture. Enough is enough living with those who kill us every day.” Such comments and posts on social media are increasing and becoming more common.

Flags of Hazara, Tajik, Turks and Baloch

The Pashtuns are initially from some northern parts of Pakistan and northeastern parts of India. In the last two centuries, as they attacked non-Pashtuns and invaded their lands, the name Afghanistan also appeared on the map. Afghan, which is considered as a fake identity for non-Pashtuns in their language Dari means cry, and Afghanistan means crying land.
In several periods, none-Pashtuns faced genocide. One of them is the last decade of the 19th century when Afghans or Pashtuns massacred over 63% of the Hazara and invaded most parts of their land. Another example was during the Nazi regime in Germany when Afghans were sending high-ranking envoys to meet Nazi leaders as their big Arian race brothers; many non-Pashtuns, including the Tajik and Uzbek, besides the Hazara, were facing the crimes in the hand of Pashtun rulers.
The systematic crimes against non-Pashtuns are not limited to the massacre but also cultural genocide. The Pashtun rulers and groups such as the Taliban destroyed the cultural heritages, including the Buddhas of Hazaristan, banned the celebration of Nawruz, and forced the middle-aged culture Pashtunwali as the national culture for all.
Considering the systematic crimes, many experts from non-Pashtun people strongly believe that long-term war is not over until non-Pashtuns gain their right to self-determination.
Among non-Pashtuns are also some with conservative positions, offering the federal system as an alternative.

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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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