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طرح محاصره کامل مناطق هزاره نشین توسط طالبان

9 سپتامبر 2012, 19:37

The Taliban seem to be a movement that has full support from some regional and possibly international powerful hands. They never get tired; they are consistent with their approach; they seem to act strategically and long term; their actions also seem to benefit certain powerful circles within and without Afghanistan in their agendas. It is a process for them.
In order to respond to such undertakings by the Taliban, the locals do need to demonstrate first and foremost, strong unity; unity in voice; unity in their collective demands; unity in their approach. A prerequisite for such unity is understanding. The Hazara community need to feel and realize wholeheartedly that they are in it altogether. This needs to be the number one and only priority for them: Freedom.
A strong central Hazara leadership that can reach to every Hazara household has to evolve.
A strong community is an insurance to a free community.

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