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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 271

ای قلم آخر زبانت می بُرند

23 آپریل 2007, 08:58

Dear all the only slution for current problemsis that if Mr.Karzai should resign and hand over the chair to some one who is able to run teh country

I would like to metion how Mr.Karzai trys to be on power for Mr.president it does not matter some one has criminal records,corruption etc only installing them to the key positions to get support from them for example what is going on in Afghan Ariana Airline? one by one the people coming and filling thier pockets and goes back to thier family in west, for example Mr,Rohullah Aman Kabul mayor is the husband of sister in low of Mr.Yunus Qanoni appointed to that job based on the refernces of Mr.Qanoni and every single who worked in Arian Afghan Airline knows Mr.Rohullah Aman he looted taking bribes even he employed a woman by the name of Rohafza for his personel use...... which is known by all so how then Mr.Karzai dares to claim he is honest how he claims he trys to work for poor people of Afghanistan direct or indirect he has hand under the table with corrupted poeple so we are fed up with him we need some one to reshuffel all aministration
Last but ture, Mr.Karzai is appointing the rabbits to look after carrots that is all
with regards,Ikhlas Wardak

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