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2 فبروری 2013, 23:16, توسط the truth teller

Germany is achieving the same goals set by Hitler through thier policy and economy rather than having to fight for it, which means that the motives were good but the methods were wrong, and we should learn from it.
You asked who ruled Afghanistan before Ahmad shah Baba????
I think you should go back to school if you don,t know that
WE are proud of our history starting with our first king YAMA all the way through Koshanians and our rullers after the arrival of islam like Tahirian, safarian, samanian,ghaznawian and others.
No pushtoon claim that our history started with Ahmad shah Baba
However the history of modern day Afghanistan started with Ahmad shah Durani
Prior to Ahmad shah Durani apart from a brief period of Hotaki
Afghanistan was divided between Safavid Persia , mughul India, and Shaibani Uzbik for more than two centuries, and these three will always fight each other for teritory in Afghanistan and kill in the process thousands of people. 0
That is exactly what is going to happen if we do not stand togher and get stronger to defend our country sooner rather than later.

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