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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 14834

تجاوز جنسی!

4 می 2008, 09:15, توسط janan

here real an fake Ulama does not make sense unless they stop to misuse people’s for there own political and economic interests. the cartoon is i think about a religious culture and our blind faith. it refers to different abuses not only child abuse. we need to separate the religion from politics and do not corrupt it. we nedd to leave the people with there own faith and brghten our minds that we are not responsible to Muallahs but to our God. if i were the cartooniost i would have drawn another one to show how our corrutp religios culture have left us manupolated by the worst creatures our Mullahs have been the source of all plights. they always have been used by foreigners , and the result is what? oh brothers what? open your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!

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