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هزاران تن در بامیان از روز جهانی همبستگی مردم هزاره تجلیل کردند

5 اكتبر 2013, 05:48, توسط who cares?

United you rise.

In response to comments that Hazaras are already united and so no need for such gatherings, it needs to be written that:

Hazaras may be united. However, unity is not static; unity is dynamic; that is to say it is alive; it can be nourished; it can grow bigger; it needs care and attention; it can change and transform itself into something far more important.

Hazaras seem to appear united. Are they really united? Is this unity still not in its infancy?

Is the current situation, the Hazaras are in, any reflection of their unity? Can you find any united community in the world as in such a sad condition as the Hazaras? Can a united community be so weak and hopeless, and still proudly beats to its chest that they are united?

This community is in DIRE need of unity, if you think of unity as a vehicle that can take you to that wishful destination. This community is in dire need of unity among its leadership, but WHO is their leader? One can find no leader among them; only a group of self proclaimed pretenders.

The situation with our Hazara brothers and their community is sadly and unfortunately so poor that it requires a major generational sacrifice by them all to put even the smallest dent into this current condition.

You are united; NOT UNITED ENOUGH.

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