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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 16558

دايکندی: اين هم يک مکتب!

23 جون 2008, 04:51, توسط Sahar

hey merhazar!
i havent seen any coments or text to show the week points and or administrative crimes of non pashtoons especially Hazaras , do you know what is the deffirances between Khalili and Sayaf i havent seen any text about khalili or muhaqeq at least these pashtoon ministers are able to get funds from donars , so what muhaqeq has done when he was the minister of plan, how about Qanooni and qarqin can you count the number of schools constructed during their time, and i have been in hazajat longs time hazarajat have stil more schools then the other provincess so please be realistic and write some thing to be at least 10% truth this is not good for your crear and personality. we havnt seen any good things accept claim and worng publications so please dont wast your time you have born in Iran and you have passed time there if you say every things no body will accept, or if some body agrree with you he will be also one of the enimies of the national degnighty of the afghan people

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