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اين انتقاد است يا توهين و تهديد؟

29 می 2007, 15:32, توسط Kudos Talash

May 29. 2007
Mr.Kameran Mir Hazaar did a big mistake to printed this wrong E-Mail in his site. Mr.Mir Hazaar had to first take contact with Mr. Qawi Kushaan to become sure , the E-Mail belongs to him or some deceiver from American-Pashtun=Afghan-mellat sent to him

I want from Mr. Mir Hazaar that he not does again such mistake. I am sure Mr. Qawi Kushaan not sent this E-Mail to him

Mr. Mir Hazaar must not print in future the writtens that insult other people or organizations because the enemies of this site try to demage the personality of Mr. Mir Hazaar ,but he can not understand. I advised lost year the site of kabulpress.com about this matter, but they not paid attention about it,and finally they forced to closed Arabic-Alphabet in kabulpress.com site a few months ago

Last week I read in kabulpress.org that a person introduced self as follower of Ahmad Shah Masaud ! He used very bad language for people who are not want and wanted Ahmad Shah Masaud ! I think , this person belongs to Afghan-mellat or any other party, in any case I estimate this person belongs to not Jamyaet Islami. Although I self not agree with the most policy of Jamayaet Islami in past time, but about two years I read every weeks a few times in internet them newspapers, they not use impolite language. If they answer for some wrong written or propagandas in bad language ,it is them legal-right , I will do so ,maybe worse than Jamyaet Islami. I not defend from Jamyaet Islami , they have sufficient writers ,and possibility, but I wrote the reality. In year 1986 Hazb Islami ,and Jamyaet Islami threatened me, but I not speak about it because Khorasan Country is in fire, my dear sisters and brothers die there for nothing,every day,and every night

Mr.Mir Hazaar must not print any written without correct address, and correct E-Mail, especial if the E-Mail insult other people. I read just one or two writtens from Mr.Qawi Kushan, he is not a bad guy, but if kabulpress.org print again and again the Afghan-mellat party E-Mail under name of Jamayaet Islami or any other organization or person, perhaps people give him warning because it is not correct, without search print every written. I do not like to see bad language in www.kabulpress.org in especial case ,if I or any other body can write first strong reason,and than use hard words ,it is not insult because in such case this is a defend from his personality, his language or his culture

Thank You

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