Kamran Mir Hazar Youtube Channel
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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 22646

بشردوست، مردمی ترين انتخاب!

19 جنوری 2009, 11:25

yes i am as a vote giver for the , RAMAZAN BASHR DOST:that still he has showen every thing for the rights of the people he shall sacrfice him self as patriotic man in the country. still i glorify that: still he has saved the culture of afghaistan. and we afghan do not see the thing which is very important for the culture and for the people . is there any one to prove "MR KARZAI has done some thing for the national interest? there is a lot condidate sach as karzai and other like جلالی "

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