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جبهه ملی درمعرض خطر مرگ سیاسی

16 آپریل 2009, 16:36, توسط Balkhi

We really thought that we better give a slight benefit of the doubt to ANF and allow the possibility of a thought that the front might have slightly moved towards political maturity with passing of time. It once again became painfully clear that ANF remains a bitterly divided and incompetent political movement. It cannot be even described as a movement but merely a loose alliance of heterogenous political groups with no specified agenda and least prospects of survival than ever before. I cannot quite understand why ANF leaders fail to agree on introducing a single presidential candidate? Therefore it hardly makes any sense to remain under a so-called umbrella of Afghanistan National Front. This is their self-prescribed political demise and will only once again make the Pashton lead assured over the rest non-pashton majority. ANF incompetence make us not worthy of ability to introduce and offer a non-pashton candidate to lead the nation. FINE IF THAT IS WHAT THEY CHOSEN OUR PLACE AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS WILL BE GUARANTEED FOR FIVE MORE YEARS TO COME TILL THE NEXT GENERATION TAKES THE MASSES REPRESENTATION CLAIM AWAY FROM THIS BUNCH OF PASSIVE AND INCOMPETENT ANF SO-CALLED LEADERS

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